Sunday 22 March 2009

Term2, week 1- Targets Review!!!

Dear children,

As we continue to strive in Term 2, I would like you to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and work on them. While some of u may be pleased with your results, others might be somewhat upset over your dismal performance.

I had a test during the 1 week break. I was disappointed with my performance because I believed and knew that I could do better if I was more focused during the test. I spent almost 30 minutes on one particular question. After 20 minutes trying to solve the question, I realised that I did not read the question thoroughly and I missed out an information given in the question. That's the reason why I couldn't solve it! I started to panic as time was running out. I quickly calm myself down and whispered " I CAN DO IT! ". In the end, I managed to complete 3/4 of the question. Although I could have done better, I was defeated by being over-confidence and carelessness.

What about you? Take this opportunity to reflect and comment on your Class Test 1 results.

1) Are your results close to / far from / meeting your targets? How do u feel now?
2) If u have done well, what factors contributed to the success?
3) How can u maintain or even further improve your performance?
4) If u did not achieve your desired results, what do u think could be the cause(s)? i.e. Test papers too difficult, not spending enough time to revise etc.
5) What are your strategies to overcome these problems?


Sunday 8 March 2009

Track and Field Meet

Hi Everyone,
The Sports Day is over. I hope you had an enjoyable time watching or participating in the sports. In our journal writing for this week, I would like you to reflect on our Sports Day and the meaning of sports in our lives. To help you with writing your reflection, I have listed some questions below:

1. Did you attend our School Sports Day? If so, how did you find it? If not, why did you not attend our school event?
2. What do you think is the most interesting part of the School Sports? Why?
3. What do you think is the most uninteresting part of the School Sports? Why?
4. How can the school improve on the School Sports Day?
5. Do you think engaging in sports is important and useful? If so, why? If not, why?
6. Do you engage in any sports? If so, what is it? If not, why have you not engage in it?
7. How can sports help us?
8. If your were the principal of the school, what would you do to encourage pupils to engage in sports?

Well, there is a lot for you to reflect on. I am eagerly looking forward to reading your reflection.

Sunday 22 February 2009


Hi Everyone,

Every morning, we have silent reading. Pupils read a variety of books and magazines. Reading is a habit. The more you read, the more you want to read. In this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on the importance of reading and its influence on you. As usual, I will list some questions below to help you with the journal writing.
1. Why do you think the school gets the pupils to read every morning?
2. Do you like it? Why?
3. Do you like reading? Why?
4. What kinds of books do you like to read?
5. Do you think reading will help you with your school work? Why?
6. How can the school encourage pupils to read?
7. Could you recommend a book you really like to read? Write the author and tell us why you like to read his/her book?
I hope you will start your reflection soon. I am looking forward eagerly to read your journal writing.


Thursday 19 February 2009

Spelling( Term 1, Week 7)

I applaud the following 10 pupils for scoring excellent marks for their spelling. They have truly put in tremendous effort in their learning. Mdm Phua is definitely proud of you!

1) Dylan
2) Daryl
3) Zong Hui
4) Samantha
5) Denise
6) Dessa
7) Xinyi
8) Yew Kit
9) Howard
10) Chen Wei

Keep up the great work!


Sunday 15 February 2009

Activities Outside School

Hi Everyone,

Many pupils are involved in lessons outside school. They include tuition, music, art, ballet, swimming, Sinda classes, religious lessons and so on. There are just too many activities for me to list them. For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on your involvement in all the activities outside school. To help you with your writing, I have listed some questions below:

1. What are the activities you are involved in outside school from Monday to Sunday?
2. How many days do you spend on these activities?
3. How many hours do you spend in each of these activities?
4. Why are you involved in these activities?
5. Do you think these activities are necessary for you? If 'Yes', how have these activities help you? If 'No', why are you taking part in these activities?
6. Do you think these activities affect your school work/studies? If so, how?
7. Do you feel stressed with all these activities? Explain.
7. In your opinion, do you think pupils should be involved in outside school activities? Why?

Hope to read you reflection soon.

Sunday 8 February 2009

IT Class - PBL Lesson 1

Dear Children,

In preparation for the IT lesson, I would like you do some research on the problem(s) the world is facing ( E.g Global Warming, depletion of resources). Do place more emophasis on environmental issues. After stating the problem(s) that the world is facing, suggest ways which we can help save the world.


Target setting - Dare to dream! Strive!

Hi Everyone,
We have set our targets for the various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Mother Tongue. For this week, I would like you to reflect on this exercise. As usual, I will list some questions to help you with the reflection.

1. What is the purpose of setting targets for the various subjects?
2. Do you think this is useful? If 'Yes', why? If not, why?
3. How did you go about setting the targets for yourself?
4. What are you doing to help you achieve your target? Do you have a plan? If so, what is it?
5. How are your parents helping you achieve your targets?
6. What will you do to motivate yourself towards achieving the targets?
7. What do you think your teacher/the school can help you achieve the targets?

Waiting anxiously to read your response.

Best wishes